Fall- Winter Indoor Programs 2011- 2012
START of Programs: November 17, 2011 to March 18, 2012 (Holiday: Dec. 19 to Jan. 5)
Branchburg Sports Academy 47 Readington Road, Branchburg, 15 WEEKS
6pm - 7:30 pm: 7 to 13 years old _______ 7:30 - 9:30: 13 to 16 yrs_______
Classes begin: Nov. 17 to Dec.15.Holiday: Dec 19 to Jan 5. Classes resume Jan. 5 to March 15.No class Thanksgiving Day.
Fee per player : 6pm class: 1.5 hrs :$284.00 7:30 class: 2 hours: $375.00 15 WEEKS
PURNELL SCHOOL: Rt. 512 ( Pottersville Road,) Pottersville, NJ 14 WEEKS
Friday Evenings: Start: Nov 18 to Dec 16 ( Holiday 12/19 to 1/5) Resume: January 6 to March 16 ( No classes Jan 27 & March 9)
6 to 7:30 pm: Specialty Training (Younger ages 7 to 12) _____
7:30 to 9:30pm: Specialty Training (Older ages 12 to 18) _______
Sunday AFTERNOON: High Level Skills Sessions ( start Nov 27 -Mar.18) No classes: November 20 and January 29. Holiday: Dec. 19 - Jan 5
12 noon to 2 pm: High Level Training (younger ages 7 to 11) ____
2pm to 4pm: High Level Training ( older ages: 11 to 17) ____
You may sign up for these classes now, however, Heinz may suggest another group or class if necessary.
Classes begin: Nov. 18 (Friday) and November 27 (Sunday) to Dec 16 (Friday) and Dec 18 ( Sunday) Holiday: Dec 19 to Jan 5. Classes resume January 6 to March 18
.(NO CLASSES: November 20 , Jan 27 Jan 29, or March 9 ).
Fee per player
Friday:6pm _ 7:30: 1.5 hrs: $266.00____ 7:30 - 9:30: 2 hour classes: $350 ________ Sunday: 12 noon - 2pm: 2 hour classes: $350.00_____
2pm to 4pm: 2 hour classes: $350 ______
Specialty training is not age specific. It consists of high-level training in skills and tactics for advanced players. If we find that the player is not placed appropriately in these sessions we will suggest and alternative session or refund your tuition. Heinz will cover a wide range of training opportunities including speed, endurance, tactics and skills.
The programs are intended to provide training for boys and girls ages 7 through 18, emphasizing professional instruction in skills and techniques. It will include all elements of the game and utilize all the skills and abilities of the participants. Players are grouped according to age and ability level. Classes run in 1 1/2 or 2 hour sessions at two locations: Pottersville and Branchburg.
Please register by sending the form and indicating the location, time and day you wish to participate. You will be contacted IF THERE IS A CONFLICT, if not, please attend the session you pick starting in November.
Directionsto each location are on the website under Directions on the home page on the lower left side.
Cancellations for bad weather: Only the first class will be notified. Call 908-806-7080 for messages for all other classes. Make-ups for cancellations will be scheduled during the session on a specified day.. If you should miss a class and wish to make up: YOU MAY NOT MAKE UP IN ANOTHER CLASS UNLESS YOU NOTIFY US PRIOR TO ATTENDING. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS OR CARRY-OVERS FOR MISSED CLASSES OR PLAYER CANCELLATIONS.
Email (print clearly)_______________________________________________________________
I certify that my child may participate in all athletic activities to be held and that he/she is in good health, with any disabilities noted in writing by me before attending training. I give my permission that he/she may be treated for any injuries should they occur, and realizing that all sports may pose the risk of injury, I hold harmless the Facility and Spartac International Soccer School, Inc. should such injuries occur. Signed__________________________________________dated________
Please print out form and send with your payment to: Spartac International Soccer School, 1052 Croton Road, Pittstown, NJ 08867
Check #____________ Amt. Enclosed_______________
Purnell:School, Rt 512, Pottersville, NJ:
Friday: 6 to 7:30___________1.5 hr program: $266.00
7:30 to 9:30________ 2 hour programs: $350.00 14 WEEKS
Sunday: 12 noon to 2pm_______ 2 hour program: $350.00 14 WEEKS
2pm to 4pm ________ 2 hour program: $350.00 14 weeks
Branchburg Sports Academy, 47 Readington Road, Branchburg :
Thursday 6 to 7:30pm: 1.5hrs: $ 284.00_______
7:30 to 9:30: 2 hours: $375.00 ______ 15 WEEKS
Make checks payable to: Spartac Soccer
Send payment to: Spartac Soccer, 1052 Croton Road, Pittstown, NJ 08867
Any questions;spartac-soccer@att.net
Telephone; 908-806-7080 Fax; 908-806-3978
Visit the website for updates and additional information: spartacsoccer.com