Your feet work hard – treat them kindly
Your feet work hard - treat them kindly
Walking, running, jumping or standing on two legs has its
advantages, but the 26 bones in each of your feet take a
pounding. Feet
- provide a base for the rest of the body
- work as shock absorbers when we move
- act like levers to propel us in whatever direction we choose
to move
Five ways to care for your feet
- Wear comfortable shoes
- Nothing wrong with heels, but make sure they fit
properly, and give your feet, leg ligaments and muscles a
break by alternating heels with lower, supportive shoes
- Natural fabrics like leather and cotton breathe better
than synthetics
- Athletic shoes feature mesh and other materials that work
well for feet
- Alternate shoes by not wearing the same pair two days in
a row (a great excuse to shoe shop!)
- Take a walk
- Foot muscles, ligaments and tendons need exercise to
maintain their flexibility
- Sore arches? Use supports. Also, vary your walking
surface - dirt, grass, sand, and cinder tracks allow more
"give" and cushioning for walking
- Wash 'em every day
- Your feet are trapped in stockings, socks, shoes daily,
and washing them removes sweat (and odor!) which decreases
the chance for bacteria or fungus to grow
- No fancy wash necessary (but don't deny yourself the
luxury!). Soap and water work just fine, too.
- Dry well - remember, moisture invites bacteria - and use
a little foot powder to maintain that dryness
- Moisturize
- Sound contradictory? A little cocoa butter lotion rubbed
into your feet (avoid the space between the toes), especially
the heel and ball, keeps those areas from cracking and
becoming painfully dry.
- Serious lizard feet? Coat liberally with a cocoa butter
lotion before bedtime and slip on a pair of 100% cotton
socks. Your feet will be smoother and less dry in the morning
(and the socks keep your sheets clean).
- Wear socks
- Socks provide cushion and wick away moisture
- Socks keep shoes from rubbing and causing blisters
- Natural fiber socks (think cotton and wool) work well for
daily use, and athletic high-performance synthetic socks are
perfect for sports
Treat your shoes with respect, too
Since shoe variety is a key to foot health, give shoes their due
respect, too. Shoes shouldn't lie jumbled on your closet floor.
It's hard to find a match set, and if your shoes feature straps
and buckles, it becomes too easy for heels to snag on
Bella Systems Philly offers many solutions to shoe storage needs.
We can build custom storage into an existing closet, create a
shoe closet from scratch, or conjure anything in between. We use
our 3-D imaging software to design a layout that's right for your