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Step By Step Guide To Preventing A Lice Reoccurence.
Many of the clients that call me, have already tried different
lice solutions, such as OTC (over the counter or prescription
shampoos). Many of them have combed & boiled & laundered
just about everything in there home and yet weeks and months
& in some unusual cases years go by & there still coming
up with lice and nits in there hair!!!
How can you be reassured that the lice are gone and won't come
First and foremost you need to comb your child's hair out very
well using a good stainless steel comb,( such as licebgoners
comb), comb every section of hair using conditioner and baking
soda, checking constantly on paper towel to see if lice or nits
are still coming out.. You can use Licebgoners mousse to help
loosen the nits & kill the lice.
When you are sure that you have cleared every louse and nit away,
these are the steps you need to follow, to prevent another lice
1. Continue combing and Checking everyday!!! Many people think
that after seeing there child's hair lice free one time, that
there done with the lice problem. When a louse lays there nits,
continue checking and combing, after your first initial lice
treatment, even if your not finding anything!! Comb for another
week! If there were no lice findings for three consecutive days,
then you know your head is lice free.
2. You need to let your child's school know that he/she had lice.
There's no shame or blame here! Lice don't mean your dirty!! If
they won't know, your child WILL get it back & then your back
to square one. (Licebgoners does camp and school lice
Please think of all play dates, family members neighbors...that
your child associated with, so they can have there heads checked
for lice too.
3. Brushes & combs need to be boiled.
4. Any thing that your child had contact with needs to be dried,
if you can't put it in the drier, bag it for 48 hours.
5. Any day that you found a louse or nits in child's hair, throw
his/her linen in drier again or anything they had contact with
that day.
If you are vigilant with all of the above, you will finally get
rid of your lice and nits. Lots of luck. If you need help or
advice please call me at 718-484-8699,Susan