Cannonball Pools

ADDRESS : 1011 Route 22 West, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
PHONE NUMBER : (908) 454-2559


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Ready to try NASTAR or your first back-roll?

Be ready with upgraded ski or snowboard equipment, but that doesn't necessarily mean buying new. Here are some tips for checking out used equipment. Examine:

  1. The bases for wax. If the bases are black and there are areas where they look lighter or almost white, then they're dry.
  2. The bases for repair work. Any discoloration in the bases or if the bases were white and there are a couple of places where it looks like black P-Tex was used, should be a sign that there has been repair work done to the skis. However, if the surface was repaired correctly this is no big deal.
  3. The edges. They should feel smooth.

You can trust pre-owned skis and snowboards at Cannonball Pools, Ski & Snowboard at 1011 Route 22 West, Phillipsburg, NJ. We sell only high quality, well maintained equipment and we won't lead you down the wrong trail!

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