What's the best time to buy a pool? Some say spring. Some say fall or winter There are pros and cons to building a pool any time of year. In the end, the best time of year is the time that suits you. But consider the following:
Fall: This is the time of year the experts recommend. Pool builders aren't as busy, and may feel pressure to keep their bids as low as possible. You can take advantage of closeout sales on materials and equipment. And, pricing aside, it gives you the rest of fall and the following spring to work on your landscaping before you open the pool.
Winter: While prices may be low and pool builders aren't as busy, some pool builders may not operate, and weather may interfere with construction. Also, prices usually increase at the beginning of the year.
Spring: You may still have your pool finished in time to use it at least part of the summer, but pool specialists agree that spring is not the best time. Demand is high, so pool builders offer few incentives. And you still may not get a full season of use.
The most important factor in building a pool is to get the best price from a quality pool builder. Contact Cannonball Pools, Ski & Snowboard today to get started on your pool, whatever season you choose.