Barry Kinson

ADDRESS : USA, Schenectady, NY 12345
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Is It Time To Switch To A New Broadband Internet Provider?

Many broadband internet providers don't exactly deliver on their promises. In such cases, it is important for customers to identify this problem and make a switch to a better ISP quickly.

You got wireless internet connection with big hopes of doing a Netflix marathon, downloading movies and playing Xbox. Few days down the line, the true identify of your ISP unrolls. The internet speed isn't as great as was promised, there's always some downtime and, most importantly, their customer support is bad.

The mentioned scenario isn't rare. It's quite common, in fact. Hyping their services, many Broadband Internet Providers fail miserably when it comes to delivering on their words. And this leaves the customers hanging in the middle, with poor and unstable connection. And the worst part? Deciding whether to switch the ISP or not. Because many people, instead of questioning the service provider, blame their own routers.

Here are 3 simple signs that it's high time to change the ISP for a better one:

1. Internet Outage- There has to be some problem in the internet connection at least once a day. This is like given. Regardless the reasons they give and how legit the problems sound, too many outages in short time is never a good thing. It's a big red-flag.

2. Slow connection- Even cheap wireless broadband plans from good ISP offers consistent and reliable internet speed. If yours is too slow that makes a 4-minute YouTube video run 10 minutes to complete, it's definitely the time to make the switch to a better one.

3. Poor customer service- Many people undermine this but customer support of ISPs should be of utmost importance when picking them. There are plenty of things that could go wrong in your connection. Getting the right support at the right time is very important-more so if it's your company's internet connection.

Making your switch to a new ISP is much easier than believed. It's all about preparing ahead of time and avoiding the same mistake you made the first time.

The process starts with picking one of the best broadband internet providers and the right plan, which is subsequently based on your own individual needs (speed, memory and add-ons). There will be some overlap time before your new connection kicks-in in its full prowess. But if the customer support of the newly selected ISP is good, the transition would be a smooth one.

So stop over-thinking and identify if it's time to change your ISP. If indeed it is, plan for the transition properly.


This article is written by Barry Kinson. He has got into writing professionally and uploads regular informative articles. You can refer to the articles and the information put down by him and clears your doubts on internet access blog.

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