The SEO experts recommend webmasters to post relevant content written by content writers on their own websites. However, it is also useful to post the content on other websites that are not your own. It has many advantages. If you post content on other websites, you gain the attention of the new audience and this helps in expanding the business in new users. The exposure to different online forums and communities develops your authority and expertise. You get to get your name publicized in newsletters and roundups of another website. Also, there is a higher rate of surviving when your own website declines. The cons of posting content on another website are that you are promoting another person's website and attracting traffic to it. The other website determines your reputation and the content is easily removable. You suffer if the site shuts down.
The pros or advantages of posting the content on your own website is you have the benefit of having content without the need to take some other persons help or a middleman.
Pros- It is easy to control the content. The links help in promoting your site instead of promoting some other website. Also, the content you post on your website helps in developing your authority and promoting your own website.
Cons- The cons or a disadvantage of posting content on one's own website is that traffic decreases if the site is penalized. The content doesn't give much return for the time and effort you invest in it when the ranking and traffic of the website is low. The demographics of the website may restrict your reach in a wide audience, limiting your reach in people. You may not get links if the website is not liked by people. Visit this website if you are interested in getting local SEO experts.
Author Bio:
This article is written by Albert Lee. He has got into writing professionally and uploads regular informative articles. You can refer to the articles and the information put down by him and clears your doubts on the dental SEO services. You may also visit the new SEO Company blog.