Albert Lee

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Google Dataset Search - Get a Top Ranking

Every publisher's main intention is to get more traffic. For that, it needs to get top ranking in Google search engine page result. Google has already prescribed the criteria about the procedure of dataset search and the quality that it seeks to provide a top ranking. Though Google is already providing a much-filtered result and after the initiative of publishers to include markups it is providing finer results. Now it is mandatory for publishers to understand the criteria of datasets and the procedure of ranking then only they would be able to generate traffic.

Working style of Dataset search

In the overall process, Google considers structured data on priority. It considers the data that uses standard and connects it with knowledge graph and other ranking criteria and further it creates an index of dataset search. same AS property

Under this Google follow 'same as property' which includes the dataset structured data that has been converted through canonicalization of original data.

Ranking based on the knowledge graph

Google Knowledge graph provides a perfect support to the google for the ranking purpose of the dataset. It helps Google to understand the complete framework of the dataset to clearly understand the language and abbreviations and various other layers to make a match. This enhances a great user experience.

Raking on the basis of Google Scholar

Google scholar is a platform which indicates that the dataset is trustworthy. It also identifies the original author of the dataset. This, on the one hand, supports publishers to achieve a higher rank and on the other hand, helps to fight against using others data.

Ranking Procedure - How Google works

Though Google uses a regular algorithm to provide a ranking to the dataset till the time it does not possess much data on the ways that users use to make the search but once it gathers sufficient data about the procedure that people implement to make a search, Google prepares separate algorithm for dataset search.

Dataset Optimization process

It could be sure that your site must possess datasets but you really need to mark them up according to structured data to provide its recognition under the criteria prescribed by Google. You must keep a check that your datasets must bear all the qualities to appear in Google reach the result of datasets. Visit this website for more information on Google local SEO.

Author Bio:

This article is written by Albert Lee. He has got into writing professionally and uploads regular informative articles. You can refer to the articles and the information put down by him and clears your doubts on the plumber SEO.

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