Carl Glendon

ADDRESS : USA, Los Angeles, CA 90002
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Guide to Child Custody for Separating Couples

Never let your ego decide what is best for your child. If it is best for your kid to stay away from you, so be it... Separations and divorce can be a very traumatic event for children for reasons that don't require explanations. This is a phase where these innocent beings in their formative years, have to face life changing situations for no fault of their own. This makes it a moral duty of concerned parents to ensure that their child or children are least affected while filing for legal separation. For more information about a seperation agreement, please visit this website.

At present, three core forms of child custody is recognized by the different states of USA namely, sole custody, joint custody and legal custody. Here is a brief introduction to all three that can help you gain a fair idea as to what type of child custody you can qualify for...

Sole custody - Separation / divorce settlement agreements with sole child custody are often considered by the courts of law when the other spouse is incapable of caring and providing for the child / children. Addictions, alcoholism, mental illness, history of domestic abuse and serious financial instability can be mentioned as some of the core reasons that leave sole custody as the only agreeable option.

Joint custody - This is one of those custody arrangements that can be mentioned as the silver lining in the cloud. Here, both parents share responsibility of the child with physical custody granted to both spouses, with one spouse gaining visitation rights. Here, it is essential that both parents are in sound mental and financial conditions and their separation was not essential based on addictions or domestic violence / abuse.

Legal custody - Legal custody can be a part of contractual separation in cases where both parents want to participate equally in the core decisions in favour of their child. This can include decisions like education, medical treatments and even religious practices for that matter.

Irrespective of the type of custody that separating spouses insist upon, the ultimate decision always lies in with the court of law especially in cases where custody preferences are contested than mutually agreed upon.

Author Resource:-

Carl writes often about legal drafting, rental lease agreement, marital separation agreement and help the people in such needs. Please visit this website for more info about South Carolina legal separation and legal separation in Texas.

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