Carl Glendon

ADDRESS : USA, Los Angeles, CA 90002
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Basic Requirements For Creating A Last Will And Testament

The concept of last will and testament may be very simple, but the requirements and conditions to create and execute the same are too many and often perplexing. Not complying with the basic requirements can lead to invalidation of the will which can cause intestacy laws to apply.

To make sure that your will is respected by the state and beneficiaries and is executed the way you intend, here are a few basic requirements for a last will and testament that you need to abide by at all times...

Compliance with Legal age - Many people are of the belief that last will and testament can be created only by testators that are 18 years of age or above. While this is mandatory in most of the states, there are a few like Georgia and Louisiana that allow individuals of 14 to 16 years to create legally binding wills under certain conditions.

Mental soundness - Soundness of mind is perhaps the most important requirement for creating last will and testament. This basically means that the testator should be conscious of all the inclusions he / she have made in the will. If under any situation, it is proven that the former was under influence or suffering from delusional conditions at the time of signing the last will and testament form, the document will be rendered invalid by the court of law.

Disinterested witnesses - Witnesses are very essential basic requirements for last will and testament. However, there are certain states that insist upon disinterested witnesses over the usual ones. Disinterested witnesses are individuals that will not benefit from the will directly or indirectly. Having disinterested witnesses nullifies the possibility of coercion while creating the will. For more information about getting last will and testament in Maryland, please visit this website.

Assets to be owned individually by the testator - In very simple words, you cannot dictate terms and conditions of distribution and management of somebody else's property / assets in your will. In case the owner does so, the will can be contested with judgment inclining towards the challenger's side.

Author Resource:-

Carl writes often about affidavit, bill of sale and last will & testament to help the people in needs. You can find his thoughts at custom agreements news blog. Please visit this site to get last will and testament in West Virginia.

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