Carl Glendon

ADDRESS : USA, Los Angeles, CA 90002
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How Does A Durable Power Of Attorney Differ From A Non-Durable One?

A Power of Attorney (POA) is a type of legal document that lets a person, the principal, appoint an agent to carry out some tasks or execute some decisions on his behalf. Find out about the differences between a durable and non-durable power of attorney.


A durable power of attorney tends to stay effective until its powers are revoked by the principal or the principal himself dies. It can also get terminated in case a court of law finds the POA document to be invalid, if the authority of the agent is legally revoked or if the spouse happened to be the agent or in case the principal undergoes a divorce.

A non-durable financial power of attorney, on the other hand, comes to an end in case the principal gets incapacitated. This might not be a good reason to have a durable POA in place, based on your requirements. The last thing that you would want is to find that a non-durable POA has come to an end, just at the time when you needed the powers the most. For more information about getting a power of attorney form, please visit this website.


A durable POA lets agents go on acting on the behalf of principals, even when the latter gets incapacitated. One type of durable POA becomes effective only when the principal loses the capacity to make vital decisions. A POA activated by a particular event in such a way is also referred to as a "Springing" power of attorney. A non-durable POA does not let an agent act on the principal's behalf in case the latter gets incapacitated. It usually grants the agent, who might have been appointed by the principal for just one task, a small scope of action. He acts as the legal representative of the principal if the latter is personally unable to attend to the tasks. Please visit this site to get a sample power of attorney form in Colorado.

Author Resource:-

Carl writes often about legal drafting, rental lease agreements, power of attorney form sand help the people in such needs. You can find his thoughts at free legal contracts blog. Please visit this site to get a sample power of attorney form in Oklahoma.

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