Eldon Broady

ADDRESS : USA, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
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How to Get Your 6-Month-Old To Sleep Through the Night

Some of the best baby advice you will ever receive is how to successfully get your baby to sleep through the night. Nothing is more difficult than struggling through a long workday after another sleepless night spent trying to get your six-month-old to stay asleep.

Fortunately, there's a light at the end of that sleepless tunnel. There are several things you can do to establish a healthy bedtime routine and encourage healthy sleep hygiene from a very young age. Try implementing the following suggestions before giving up all hope of ever getting some sleep again.

Start Winding Down Early

Even if you don't put your baby down to sleep until 7 p.m., it's best to start the bedtime process a good half hour or so prior. This gives your baby time to wind down, anticipate bedtime, and can also kick his internal clock into gear if he tends to sleep more during the day and less at night.

Establish a Regular Bedtime Routine

Babies thrive on routine, so establishing a bedtime routine is a great way to signal to your little one that it's time to calm down, relax, and settle in for a good night's sleep. Your bedtime routine doesn't have to be anything fantastic. It can simply include a warm bath, a book, and some snuggles before it's time for the lights to go out. Putting your baby down at the same time each night and in the same place can also help him know what to expect.

Make Sure To Get In One Last Evening Snack

Your six-month-old baby will need a little help getting through the night so providing one last feeding is a great way to ensure his little tummy stays happy and full until morning. Ideally, this way, he won't wake up hungry in the middle of the night.

Schedule An Early Bedtime

If your little one is an early riser, you might be tempted to put him to bed later to encourage him to sleep in. Nope! You'll likely just end up more exhausted than ever. Research shows babies and toddlers tend to sleep longer when they go to sleep earlier in the evening rather than later. So, instead of a 10 p.m. bedtime, 7 p.m. or 8 p.m. might be better. If your baby is used to a late bedtime, try putting him down just 10 or 15 minutes earlier each night until you hit your ideal bedtime. It will be a process!

The Best Baby Advice Comes From Other Parents

If you're still searching for solutions on how to deal with night wakings, how to stop using soothing methods like nursing to sleep, or just basic tips on how to function as an extremely sleep-deprived human being, you're not alone. Sometimes, the best sources of wisdom are other parents. Hop on a parenting forum, join a yoga class with other moms, or download a baby app for new parents to get some of the best baby advice you'll ever receive.

Author Resource:

Eldon Broady writes about a social networking app connecting women across fertility and motherhood. You can find his thoughts at mom apps blog. If you are in search for a toddler advice website, click here.

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