Barry Elvis

ADDRESS : USA, Blanco, TX 78606


What Does Programmatic Audio Advertising Mean?

Companies are using advertising audio technology to do business online. People use their electronic devices to listen to all kinds of programs. Programmatic advertising allows the users to buy products and services online. The companies are using these platforms to cut their advertising costs and to increase their revenues. Here are a few examples of how companies are using audio advertising.

Music Streaming

Music streaming is a platform that delivers sounds. A customer will sign up for a free or paid music subscription service. The largest music streaming company has almost 250 million active users. This is one reason programmatic advertising is becoming so popular. Companies are now using automatic advertising to reach customers. For example, customers may listen to the five-second or eight-second advertisement and make a buying decision.

Digital Radio

Digital Radio is another programmatic advertising platform. Business owners are buying advertisements online instead of using a media outlet. The radio industry is now using an electronic system to process their buying and selling transactions. For instance, a car dealership owner is starting a new advertising campaign. With the click of a few buttons, the dealership can listen to his radio advertisements on the local radio stations.

Podcast Advertising

With Podcast Advertising, programmatic audio allows companies to target specific listeners. A good Podcast Advertising audio analytics program will show companies what they are doing right, and what they are doing wrong. There are 150 million people who listen to podcasts every month in the United States. In the future, companies will spend millions of dollars to enter the podcast market by using programmatic advertising. Consider this, a young professional man in his 30s listens to a podcast program about men's health on his smart phone every weekend. A company may target the man for a possible sale.

Finally, audio advertising will change the way companies contact consumers. The advertising channel will definitely change in the future. Businesses will focus more on what consumers are doing on their electronic devices. Consumers use listening devices at home and at work. You can also find people using audio devices while at the gym, while walking or jogging. We all are part of the audio target market (product, price, promotion and place).

Author Resource:-

I'm Barry Elvis, podcast marketing consultant, providing info about monetizing a podcast, analytics, promotion ideas and advertising for SME's. You can find my thoughts at podcast guides blog.

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