Barry Elvis

ADDRESS : USA, Blanco, TX 78606


How Can We Make Our PowerPoint Presentations More Creative?

You don't need to be a proficient designer to make a fascinating PowerPoint design presentation. How many times have you come across cluttered, distracting, boring, and poorly designed PowerPoint presentations? Well, perhaps too many.

Luckily, there are several tips and rules you can follow to create a beautiful PowerPoint design. Since PowerPoint is one of the leading and easy to use presentation design programs, you must learn more about useful 'hacks' to optimize your PowerPoint skills.

Tips to Make a Powerful PowerPoint Design

Use Few Sentences

Make sure that your slides are simplified and your visual note card captures and emphasizes the main ideas. So, as the speaker, you don't have to put everything on the slides for all viewers to read. Instead, you're required to deliver most of the information and content.

Remember, the slides' message will be lost if your audience reads the presentation instead of listening to it. Thus, combine your primary message and use keywords to relay the message.

Adhere to the 6X6 Rule

Stuffing many ideas and details on one slide is the sole reason why you end up designing bad PowerPoints. If you want your viewers to focus on the key points, make sure you leave a lot of 'white space.'

Thus, to keep your content clean and concise, try following the 6X6 rule. In simple terms, the rule requires you to insert a maximum of six bullet points in a single slide as well as six words for every bullet.

Use Simple Colors

You should only use simple light and dark colors. Consider using the exceptionally bright texts sparingly because they lead to eye fatigue. Light text on a dark background or a dark text on a light background works wonders. You should also avoid using intense gradients as they make your text hard to read.

Select the Appropriate Images

The pictures you select for your presentation are genuinely as essential as the message. Thus, you need to use images that, besides reinforcing the message, also elevate it. The appropriate photos to include in your PowerPoint design needs to be authentic, relatable, and inspirational.

With all that being said, not everyone has the time and energy to create.

Author Bio:-

I'm Barry Elvis, graphic design consultant, providing useful info about PowerPoint presentation, digital ads and brand & landing page design ideas for SME's. You can find my thoughts at design service blog. Find design ops consulting at this website.

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