Barry Elvis

ADDRESS : USA, Blanco, TX 78606


4 Characteristics of a Great Podcast

If you're looking for a sign to finally start that podcast that your girlfriend begged you never to bring up, here it is! With more than 850,000 active podcasts and over 200 million global listeners tuning in, there's never been a better time to speak your mind. But with the average podcast maxing out at 144 downloads, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd.

To give you a running start, here are four ways to ensure a great podcast:

  1. Focus on your niche.
  2. Publish regularly.
  3. Pay attention to structure.
  4. Be yourself.

Before you hit record, you'll need to ask yourself this tough question: What value do I bring to my listeners? While there are no hard and fast rules about what counts as a perfect podcast, the most successful shows on the market are those with a central idea. Whether it's a hobby, political view or specific genre of storytelling, the best podcasts know their market and stick to it.

Once you've found your specialty, it's time to commit. Publishing regularly is not always as easy as it seems, but it's critical if you want to build up a loyal fanbase. Spotify podcast analytics are available to podcasters for free through Spotify, and they provide useful insights into your audience's listening behavior. Reviewing your Spotify podcast analytics will reveal when your listeners are tuning in the most so that you can regularly publish on a schedule that aligns with your fanbase.

Furthermore, Spotify podcast analytics are handy for refining a podcast's structure. With the ability to visually see how an episode performs across actionable data such as starts, streams, age and gender, crafting the perfect structure to keep your listeners engaged has never been easier. But the stats can only take you so far. The most essential quality of a great podcast can't be quantified; it has to come from you.

There's a time and place to fake it till you make it, but you will never host a great podcast if you can't be sincere. Podcasting is an art form, and the best hosts know how to create an intimate experience for the listener by placing their authenticity above anything else. With this critical bond in place, your podcast will attract new listeners and keep the loyal ones engaged. So get out there, find your niche, structure your show, publish regularly and above all else, be yourself!

Author Resource:-

I'm Barry Elvis, podcast marketing consultant, providing info about monetizing a podcast, analytics, promotion ideas and advertising for SME's. You can find my thoughts at podcast optimization blog. For more information about embeddable podcast player, check out this website.

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