Justin Taylor

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


Key Strategies for Generating Leads from Virtual Events

It's never been easier to generate leads by hosting a virtual event. Because more organizations are pivoting from in-person events to all-virtual or hybrid events, your customers are becoming accustomed to trading their information for free or paid webevents.

There are several benefits to hosting virtual events. You stand to host attendees who really want to be there and cut down on those who are just there for the swag bag and open bar. If they are signing up for a virtual event, you can be fairly certain they want to be there.

In addition, the amount of information you can collect from attendees before, during, and after the event tends to be far greater with online events. How many people fill out comment cards at in-person events unless it's attached to a giveaway? Not many. But you can identify responses and actions that signal intent, needs, and expectations for that particular buyer - and the persona they might represent.

If you know how many people viewed or downloaded your event collateral, you will know how to tailor future content and marketing to material your qualified leads found valuable.

Your attendance and reach can be far greater, for far less money, than traditional in-person events. For many, the burden of travel costs prohibited attendance at in-person events, but virtual spaces open up countless leads.

Start With Your Site

If you have the capacity to target the people who already visit your site, you already have a hungry audience to capture for your event. If you know the specific pages they visit, how long they spend on your site, and how often they visit your site, you can tailor your digital marketing to those leads and avatars from those leads.

Build with Good Tools

You wouldn't pour a foundation with subpar concrete, so you shouldn't build your virtual event with subpar tools. There are so many choices when it comes to software for virtual events. Most people are familiar with certain platforms, so it makes it easier for them to click if they know it will be hosted on a platform they understand.

Deciding if you'll host synchronous or asynchronus digital content is the first step in choosing which software for virtual events to license. Looking to see if the software integrates with your existing lead-generation platforms like Eloqua, Salesforce, Marketo, and more will multiply the power of your leads.

Author Resource:-

Justin Taylor is providing info about virtual events, webinars and b2b event marketing platforms. You can find his thoughts at b2b events blog. If you're looking a software for event management technology, visit this website.

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