Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


How Accurate Are Cycle Tracking Apps?

Many women use a cycle tracking app to become more aware of their menstrual cycle and predict ovulation. Although this is a great practice for women of all ages, lifestyles and circumstances, it's particularly helpful for women who are trying to get pregnant. But how does the typical cycle tracking app work, and can you rely on these apps to provide accurate information about your fertility?

How does a cycle tracking app work?

Cycle tracking apps store and analyze information to make predictions about when you'll have your period and when you'll ovulate. They make these predictions using the data you enter into the app.

Although every cycle tracking app is different, most track data and physical symptoms like:

  • Past period dates
  • Heart rate
  • Cervical fluid
  • Basal body temperature
  • Sleep patterns
  • Acne
  • Cramps and/or headaches
  • Mood swings

Are they accurate?

Overall, cycle tracking apps are pretty accurate. However, they are not going to be 100% accurate all the time, because their main function is to provide predictions about your fertility and when you will ovulate. As such, you should take these predictions with a grain of salt.

For example, your cycle tracking app may say that you're supposed to start your period on Thursday. But if you don't start your period then, you shouldn't immediately assume that something is wrong and schedule an appointment with your doctor. Instead, if you aren't experiencing any strange symptoms, just wait a few days. You're likely to start menstruating shortly after your cycle tracking app predicted. Sometimes they are just a few days off.

On the same note, if you're trying to get pregnant, it's a good idea to schedule sex on the few days before and after your app says you're expected to ovulate. That way, you account for any small percentage of error and you're still more likely to conceive during your most fertile days of the month.

Why a cycle tracking app can be helpful

Even when a cycle tracking app isn't perfectly accurate, using one can help you better understand your menstrual cycle. If you're trying to get pregnant, it can be especially helpful to know when you're likely to ovulate. You can even take the data you collect in your app to your doctor. The information will help your doctor provide adequate support for you while you're trying to have a baby.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about social networking apps, cycle tracking, period tracker and birth control reminder community. You can find her thoughts at period tracking app blog.

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