Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


Unique Gifts for Newborns

If you have a friend or family member who's expecting a new baby, you probably want to get them a gift that won't just add to the pile. Instead, it's nice to be able to give a gift that they'll actually enjoy and find useful. If you're searching for unique gifts for newborns, here are some of the best ideas. From organic baby gifts to a one-of-a-kind baby keepsake box, you're sure to find something on this list that your friend or family member will love.

Organic baby gifts

Many baby clothes, toiletries, toys and accessories today are made and processed with chemicals that are potentially harmful to newborns and babies. As a result, organic baby gifts are becoming more and more popular among today's parents. Although organic baby gifts used to be difficult to find, now you can find a huge selection of them with a simple Google search. Some of the best (and most useful) organic baby gifts include organic baby toiletries like soap, shampoo and sunscreen; toys; clothing; diapers; crib sheets; pacifiers and baby wrap carriers, although there are many, many more options.

Cute animal teething mitten

Every parent needs one of these cute animal teething mittens to help soothe their baby's teeth once they start teething. It attaches to the baby's wrist with velcro, has bright and bold colors that will attract his or her attention and makes exciting crinkling sounds. It also has several different textured teething surfaces so your little one can get the relief he or she needs.

Baby keepsake box

Baby books are great, but they are time consuming and require a lot of effort. However, this baby keepsake box is an easier alternative that still gives parents the chance to collect precious keepsakes that they'll want to look back on a few years down the road. It features little drawers where parents can store their baby's first shoe or piece of jewelry and convenient vertical folders that perfectly store first birthday cards, handprints or school art projects. It even comes with labels so parents can keep it all organized!

Baby Shusher the Sleep Miracle Sound Machine

Every new parent can benefit from one thing: a good night's sleep. Baby Shusher the Sleep Miracle sound machine is the perfect gift for exhausted parents. It uses a real human voice to calm the baby to sleep with a soft and soothing "shushing" sound. Using 15- to 30-minute timers, parents can adjust the volume to help the baby get to sleep without waking anyone else. It also comes with batteries so parents can use it right away when they receive it!

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about organic and used baby clothes and gifts. You can find her thoughts at baby clothes blog.

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