Lee Wood

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How Do You Consume Weed Concentrates?

For so long, weed has been considered an illicit drug and has been banned in many places. However, the script has flipped, and weed has been legalized in several states in the U.S. With weed's use becoming more widespread, people are looking for new ways to consume it.

Weed plants can be distilled to form a concentrate that can be consumed in various forms. Some of the ways you can consume these weed concentrates are mentioned below.


Vaping is one of the common methods you can use to consume weed concentrates. In this case, one needs to buy a vaporizer to be able to effectively consume the concentrates. Vaporizers are often rechargeable, and they are portable, meaning you can carry them around with you discreetly. The main benefit of using a vaporizer is that there is no form of combustion. In this case, you are just inhaling vapor emitted from the vaporizer.

Use of Buds

The use of buds to smoke cannabis concentrates has long been the traditional method. In this case, one is required to roll a paper or put it in a pipe to be able to smoke it. Although while smoking, the smoke emitted may be intense, it works effectively in consuming marijuana concentrates. Not only can you use papers, but you can also use bongs or other pipes.


For many people, dabbing has been a great way to consume weed. The only downside of this method is that it can be costly. You will likely have to spend a significant amount of money to buy smoking paraphernalia. Additionally, you will need to purchase a dab rig that you will use to dab. To dab, you place the concentrated element on a hot surface, which you can then inhale using the rig. Although the temperature may be high during dabbing, the bowl is designed to resist the heat.


Just like dabbing, edibles have been a popular way for people to consume cannabis concentrates. These edibles can be in the form of cookies, cakes, chocolates and other baked goods. Apart from these, you can add these concentrates to your cocktail to make it more interesting.

Cannabis concentrates have become trendy for many people as a way to consume marijuana. While having fun and enjoying the concentrates, be careful and pace yourself. Consumption of too much of a weed concentrate could be a much more intense experience for your mind and body than you are used to.

Author Resource:-

Lee Wood writes about CBD products and its benefits. You can find his thoughts at marijuana store blog.

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