Jeson Clarke

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


How Much Should I Pay for A Handmade Pet Painting?

A handmade pet painting makes a nice addition to your home. You may be wondering how much money you should pay for a painting. You should take the following factors into consideration when you are deciding how much you should pay for a handmade pet painting.

The Experience of the Artist

You are on a budget. However, spending a little more money is worth it if you hire an experienced artist. Generally speaking, the more experienced an artist is, the better the finished product will be. You can expect to spend anywhere from $20 to $200 for an amateur artist. You can pay anywhere from $200 to $500 for an experienced artist.

However, if you buy a painting from an established artist, then you may have to pay over $20,000. Keep in mind that most artists will require you to either make a down payment or pay the full cost upfront. They may also ask to see a photo of your pet.

Size of the Painting

The size of the painting is another factor that will determine how much you will have to pay for it. Painters have to spend more time on a bigger painting. Bigger paintings also require more materials and paint.

The Location of the Artist

The place that the artist lives is one of the factors that influences cost. You can save money by choosing a local artist. You can expect to spend a significant amount of money if you choose an overseas artist.


Painting is not a fast process. It may take anywhere from one to four weeks to complete the painting. The longer it takes to complete the painting, the more you will have to pay. Painters have to be fairly compensated for the amount of time that they spend on the painting.

Author Resource:-

Jeson Clarke writes about art, painting and culture. You can find his thoughts at top portrait painting blog.

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