Jeson Clarke

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


Colombia's Top Exports in 2020

Colombia is a country in South America that currently ranks 5th when it comes to the top exporting countries. Currently, Colombia clocks their exported goods at about 4.3% of their GDP. This number has decreased over the years, which would indicate that Colombia is gradually lessening their reliance on exporting to support their economic interests.

With that being said, there is still a lot of interesting information to glean when you're analyzing Colombia customs data. In this blog, we'll break down Colombia's top exports as of 2020.

The Top Exports in Colombia According to Colombia Customs Data

Colombia has a wide range of exports that they primarily sell to the United States, China, Panama, Ecuador, Mexico, and more. The data indicates that North America, Latin America, and Asia imported the most goods from Colombia, then Europe, Africa, and Oceania with much smaller percentages.

Here are the exported products listed in order of their highest percentage and sales volume:

  • Mineral fuels and oil - although this is Colombia's highest net positive export, but it also experienced the biggest decline in percentage exported over the past year
  • Gems and precious metals - on the flip side, gems and precious metals was Colombia's fastest grower with over a 50% jump
  • Coffee, tea, and spices
  • Live trees, plants, and flowers
  • Plastics
  • Fruits and nuts
  • Animal/vegetable fats and oils
  • Electrical machinery and equipment
  • Sugar
  • Iron and steel

These top ten exports make up nearly 80% of Colombia's internationally shipped products. Fuels and oil are Colombia's most positive net export and machinery is their most negative net export. These numbers represent their numbers from 2020. To keep up to date with Colombia customs data on a more regular basis, you will need a database.

Get Access to Colombia Customs Data with the Right Platform

Being able to easily search Colombia customs data can introduce a lot of opportunities. With a searchable database, you can learn about competitor supply chains, identify new customers, and find new suppliers. With the right database, you can find import data such as arrival dates, consignees, CIFs, country of origin, HS code, number of packages, product descriptions, shippers, and more.

Author Resource:-

Jeson Clarke writes about database technologies, import/export data and customs data tools. You can find his thoughts at import export data tool blog.

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