Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


Why Preventing Sexual Harassment at Your Company is Important

Cultivating a safe and productive workplace culture should be the goal of any business owner or HR professional. A big part of that is actively preventing sexual harassment through training.

Sexual harassment is a serious topic, and many companies are experiencing an uptick in complaints. So that begs the question: Is sexual harassment training necessary? Here are a few reasons why it matters.

It Creates a Safe Space

Ultimately, your company should invest in sexual harassment training to ensure that your employees feel safe and heard. In the past, harassment was an issue that many were fearful of bringing up. Sexual harassment training shows that company-wide initiatives are actively creating a safer environment for all.

That may make employees more comfortable in their daily work while also eliminating the fear of speaking up when they witness something unacceptable.

Training Establishes Hard Policies

Sexual harassment is inherently complex by nature. Differing ideas can lead to some confusion over what's considered acceptable and what's not. Sexual harassment training requirements leave no room for interpretation.

With training comes set policies and a clear zero-tolerance stance. It provides employees with clear descriptions of prohibited actions, which could help decrease complaints across the board.

It Encourages Better Behavior Out of the Office

An employee's behavior out of the office can negatively impact your business as what they do during work hours. The lessons your team learns during training extends to their off-hours, too. It provides a better understanding of sexual harassment across the board, giving them the tools they need to avoid trouble.

Training is Sometimes Required by Law

In many jurisdictions, this form of education isn't optional. Sexual harassment training requirements are a matter of state law. Compliance differs pretty dramatically across the country. Even in those states that don't require it by law, it's a strong recommendation.

Protect Your Employees and Your Company

All in all, sexual harassment training is a must. It's the right thing to do and can do a lot to create a better work environment for everyone.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about employee management, benefits and payroll service. You can find her thoughts at employer organizer blog.

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