Jeson Clarke

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


What You Need to Know About Carpet Installation

Your local carpet delivery service does a lot more than just dropping off a few rolls of carpeting at the home or office. They remove the old carpeting for starters, so you won't be on your hands and knees trying to rip it up. Secondly, they install the new product. Here's how you can make this process easy on everyone in the family -- including the pets!

Know Who Moves the Furniture and Removes the Carpeting

Some carpet installers offer to handle the furniture moving for you. Others need you to do it ahead of time. Because it's a bit like moving, allow enough time for this part of the project. For example, a cabinet with good china needs to be emptied before you can move it.

Most installers offer you the option of getting rid of the old carpeting for you. They will pull it up and dispose of it. However, if you're trying to save a little money on the process, you might be on the hook for doing the removal yourself. In this case, leave the tack strips but remove all the staples.

Create the Safe Space

The safe space is a room where no carpeting will be installed that day. It may be a kitchen, patio, or sunroom. Buy or borrow baby gates if you have pets that you don't want to have "helping" the installers. In the alternative, you might place cats in their carriers and dogs in their crates. The safe space is also the room for the kids to hang out during the installation time.

Know About the Little Hiccups That Could Happen

There's a possibility that a move from builder-grade carpeting to upscale wool carpets may cause doors to stick. It's okay; it just takes a little work with the drawknife to adjust the bottom portions of the doors. If you do not feel comfortable with that, hire a handyperson or carpenter. However, it's not a service that the carpet delivery service offers.

Author Resource:-

Jeson Clarke is providing info about single platform for your hotshot, scheduled, daily route, and freight deliveries. You can find his thoughts at last mile transportation blog.

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