David Alexander

ADDRESS : USA, Los Angeles, CA 90002
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Bed Bug Heat Treatment

Bed Bug Heat Treatment: Things That You Should Know

Bed bugs are a common issue everywhere, especially in the United States. The traditional bed bug treatments are good but they are not really that effective, and they don't work for every situation and this is where the bed bug heat treatments come in. It is the most useful modern means of treating bed bug infestations. It is not just all-encompassing, fast-acting but permanent as well.

What is a bed bug heat treatment?

The bed bug heat treatments make use of special equipment to safely target each area to a temperature which bed bugs cannot stand and this temperature is usually about 122 degree Fahrenheit. These treatments commonly take place room by room. The expert team of pest management professionals conducting this treatment monitor the room temperature with the help of remote thermostats. Depending on a number of factors such as the number of rooms treated, severity of the infestation and layout of the area, this kind of treatment, can take place between 6 and 10 hours.

How the bed bug heat treatment take place?

There are a few ways how the bed bug heat treatments are conducted. The most common bed bugs heat treatment is when the pest management professional uses large electric heaters into your room. The heaters are then turned on and they run until they reach the temperature between 135 and 145 degree Fahrenheit. Some experts even apply localized steam heat.

Why bed bug heat treatment is more effective than other methods?

Bed bug heat treatments are more effective than other standalone methods. K-9 units are effective and trained but they are still living creatures, so there is always room for any mistakes. The insecticides can't cover every inch of your home. The bed bug heat treatment wipes away bed bugs completely, quickly and permanently.

One of the most essential things that you should know about a bed bug infestation is that they spread fast. Once they occupy your home and start laying eggs, those eggs hatch within days. They can turn small infestations big in a matter of few weeks. So, if you are currently facing any bed bug issues and want to get the most effective bed bug treatment, then make sure to contact a renowned team of pest management professionals today!

Author Resource:-

David has over 10 years of experience in writing about different pest control and extermination services.

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