Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


Who You Can Reach Out to if You are Questioning Your Sexuality

Despite the increasing support of LGBTQ+ individuals around the country, coming to terms with your sexuality is still a struggle that many people face. Homophobia and biphobia still exist, making it harder than ever to come out and be your authentic self.

Fortunately, there are tons of resources out there to support you as you figure out who you are.

Local Support Groups and LGBTQ+ Centers

If you're lucky enough to live in a city with an LGBTQ+ center, take advantage of it. Those establishments are there to support people like you. Many throw events and social gatherings, giving you plenty of opportunities to meet others like you.

Even if your town doesn't have a dedicated LGBTQ+ center, there could be organizations nearby. Check with your local events center or look online. You may find bisexual organizations, lesbian groups, gay events, and more.

LGBTQ+ Organizations

Need to reach beyond your small town? Don't worry; plenty of charities and organizations operate on a larger scale. If you're looking for bisexual organizations, try the Bisexual Resource Center. Visit their website to join a community group and find others just like you.

Other popular organizations include the Trevor Project, It Gets Better Project, and the Center for Black Equity. These organizations have online resources to share stories, get mental health assistance, and more. Best of all, they're a great place to meet like-minded individuals. Even if you're hundreds of miles away, these organizations can make you feel loved and supported no matter what.

Social Media

Of course, there's always social media. Modern social media has changed how we access information and connect with others. In the past, LGBTQ+ people had no choice but to look in their local area for support. It could feel lonely and even dangerous.

Nowadays, connecting with others is as easy as logging onto social media! You can join groups and follow content creators to learn more and hear stories that hit close to home.

You're Not Alone

No matter how lonely you may feel, there's a world of other queer folks out there who are ready to support you in your journey. Use these sources to find them and start creating your chosen family.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about social networking apps and LGBT community. You can find her thoughts at LGBTQ app blog.

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