Jeson Clarke

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


Types of Holistic Medicine for Women’s Health

The term "alternative medicine" can be misleading. It's not really new. Different forms of alternative medicine have been around for thousands of years, but they may not have been widely practiced within the US. There has been a resurgence back to older ways, and many people experience the great benefits of alternative medicine and women's health events. Let's take a look at five different types of complementary and alternative medicine or CAM.

Traditional Alternative Medicine

You might be most familiar with traditional alternative medicine. This involves using Chinese and other forms of Asian holistic forms of medicine, such as acupuncture or Ayurveda. Homeopathy and naturopathy are also widely used to help improve health and a variety of symptoms. The body wants to heal, and it sometimes needs the help of natural supplements.


Touch has a profound impact on the body and how it functions. Think of the most comforting hug. This produces oxytocin, which can lower blood pressure and stress. Touch can impact the body in many other ways too. A chiropractor can help get your back and body back into alignment. Yoga and Tai chi can help to improve the movement of energy throughout the body and create harmony and strength. Massage can move toxins so that they can escape the body. Massage is useful for relieving pain as well.


The old adage that you are what you eat is true. Think about what your food contains. It will invariably become a part of your body. Even if you expel some of the things you ingest, it stays in the body for some amount of time. It can also get trapped in the body too. This means that you should be abundantly careful with what you allow to enter your body. Clean foods and supplements can impact your body in a positive way.

External Energy

It's no surprise that our bodies create a lot of energy. We are essentially that: energy. External energy plays an effect on how we feel too. Have you ever noticed you feel recharged in certain environments or how everything opens up after you have organized a room? People have experienced benefits through Qigong, Reiki and electromagnetic therapy.

Learn More About How to Improve Your Health

Life is a journey, and we should never stop learning about ourselves and the world around us. Attend helpful women's health events so that you can discover other ways to improve your health.

Author Resource:-

Jeson Clarke writes about social networking platforms and LGBT community. You can find his thoughts at LGBTQ resources blog.

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