Jeson Clarke

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


What Does Panama Export?

Panama is a beautiful country in Central America, and it borders Costa Rica to the north and Colombia to the south. While Panama is known for its vibrant tourism industry, it's also known for various exports that are sent to the country's largest trading partner, the United States.

Panama is also known for the Panama Canal, a major waterway that serves as a bridge between the Atlantic and the Pacific. This puts Panama in a position where its exports can be easily sent to various countries around the world. It also means that Panama can provide easy access to exporters as ships pass through the area.

If you've ever wondered what Panama's main exports are, below are some examples of the country's offerings:


Various coffee bean plants grow in Panama, and the harvest from these plants accounts for a large portion of the country's exports. Although Panama's southern neighbor, Colombia, is also known for its coffee, some coffee bean connoisseurs prefer the rich, bold flavor of Panama's unroasted coffee beans.


Panama's proximity to both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean place the country in a unique position to be able to provide access to various types of shrimp. As such, Panama export data shows that shrimp makes up the bulk of the country's exports at nearly 85%.


Pineapples are another of Panama's exports, making up approximately 19% of the country's agricultural goods sent overseas according to recent Panama export data. One of the reasons Panama is known for its pineapple trade is the warm climate the country enjoys. This, combined with fertile soil, makes the ground perfect for growing delicious fruits like pineapples all year long.

Precious Metals

The United States imported $70 million worth of precious stones and metals, including gold, from Panama in 2019 according to the Office of the United States Trade Representative. While this may not be a huge amount by global standards, it does demonstrate that Panama is an important trade partner of the United States and, by extension, the Western world.

Author Resource:-

Jeson Clarke writes about database technologies, import/export data and customs data tools. You can find his thoughts at impex trade data blog.

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