Jeson Clarke

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


How to Diffuse the C4 Bomb in Counter-Strike

Counter-Strike is one of PC gaming's most well-known titles. While simple in its premise, first-person shooter fans the world over have spent countless hours playing Counter Strike's famous maps as either terrorists or counter-terrorists.

Although the ultimate goal of Counter-Strike is to eliminate the opposing team, diffusing the C4 bomb is an objective that can add insult to injury when you're on the winning side. When one team is tasked with guarding the C4 to ensure it explodes and ends the round, sneaking in and disabling the bomb behind the enemy's back is one of the more fun ways to win.

If you're new to Counter-Strike or you just haven't played in a while, below are some Counter Strike training tips to help you diffuse the C4 bomb faster and more efficiently:

Create a Distraction

One of the easiest ways to get the bomb diffused when it's being guarded is to create a distraction. If you can coordinate with your team, try to get a large group to push into the enemy's territory from the front while you sneak in through the back gate. Keep in mind that a smart team will have a lookout or two at the back gate by the bomb, so be prepared to fight.

Get a Defusal Kit

Another Counter Strike training tip used by experienced players is to make sure you have a bomb defusal kit if you're going for the C4. You can purchase a defusal kit at the beginning of each round as long as you have the funds to do so. This kit will cut the time it takes to diffuse the bomb in half. Typically, diffusing without a kit takes approximately 10 seconds. During this time, you can find yourself a sitting duck.

With a defusal kit, the process takes approximately five seconds. This may not sound like a huge difference, but when you consider that it can only take a few seconds to get downed in Counter-Strike, every spare moment counts.

Author Resource:-

Jeson Clarke writes about games, digital training and FPS aim training. You can find his thoughts at aim training blog.

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