Justin Taylor

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


How to Support Your Favorite Content Creators

Content creators have as much reach as "traditional" outlets these days. They can connect with millions of people around the world, producing new content daily. Whether your favorites produce funny video content or informative podcasts, here are some ways you can show your support.

Sharing is Caring

There's no better way to support a favorite creator than to help them expand their reach. A creator's voice is only loud when there's a massive audience listening.

Share their content as much as you can. Use social media and spread the word. That's how content goes viral. A simple share on Twitter or Facebook goes a long way.

Listen to Their Ads

There's a big difference between audio vs video advertising. Videos tend to be more intrusive. Meanwhile, podcast audio ads tend to flow organically and merge with the content pretty well.

Whatever the case may be, please don't skip over it. If you have ad blockers installed, turn them off to allow videos to play! It's a few minutes of your time, but that impression goes a long way.

Content creators rely on advertising to generate revenue. Not only that, but it helps them grow! The greater the ad impressions, the more opportunities they'll have to work with other companies. For more information about audio vs video advertising, check out this site.

Buy Merch and Shop with Partners

Here's another excellent way to help your favorites succeed. If you have the means to buy their products, do it! Many creators have merchandise you can wear to show your support and spread the word.

Even if they don't have a vast selection of gear, you can turn to the partners they work with. Arguments of audio vs video advertising aside, the creator likely provided a promo code or link to the companies they market. Check them out and see if it's a product or service you're interested in buying.

Supporting Your Favorites

Those are just a few ways to help your favorite content creators succeed. Ultimately, the best thing you can do is stay engaged. Keep consuming their content and do what you can to spread the word. It doesn't take much, but every contribution counts.

Author Resource:-

I'm Justin Taylor, podcast marketing consultant, providing info about monetizing a podcast, analytics, promotion ideas and advertising for SME's. You can find my thoughts at smart podcast blog.

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