Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


How to Teach Your Kids to Count

You don't have to wait until preschool to teach your kid fundamental skills! One of the easiest things to start with is counting.

Learning to count early on can set your child up for success later, improving their readiness for math and other core skills. Want to learn how to teach your kids to count? We have you covered!

Model Counting

Kids learn best by example. To teach the fundamentals of counting, you'll have to model it for them! Demonstrating the process of counting makes it easier for young minds to internalize.

Start small with simple objects around the house. For example, you can turn to their dinner plate with vegetables! Count out how many carrots or chicken nuggets they have.

When you do so, enthusiastically display the number you're counting. Over time, you can transition to other items like toys or crayons.

Model counting is what teachers do. You'll also see it in the Singing Walrus videos. It's a fun way to engage your child and drill those all-important counting concepts into their brain!

Encourage Counting Everywhere

Don't limit your education time to just home. The world is full of counting opportunities! Get your youngster excited about counting wherever you go.

For example, you can start counting groceries as you put them in the cart! Before you know it, your child will count without asking them to start.

Watch Educational Videos

Don't count out cartoons just yet! There's no shortage of great kids programs out there. The Singing Walrus videos are popular among parents these days.

While it's easy to assume that these shows are nothing more than entertaining distractions, they have so much to offer in terms of education. The programs do model counting all the time! But instead of real-world objects, your child can focus on attention-grabbing visuals!

Starting Their Education Early

It's never too early to start learning. Your child has a long life of education ahead of them. Getting these fun lessons in now can prepare them for greatness. Be patient, have fun, and watch your child's mind expand!

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about educational and entertaining apps for kids. You can find her thoughts at kids streaming app blog.

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