Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


Three of the Best Ways to Protect Your Kids Online

The Internet is a fantastic tool for connecting with others and learning more about the world. It gives kids the chance to experience things outside of their bubble at home.

That said, it's also ripe with things you don't want your young one to see. From only using safe streaming sites for kids TV shows to limiting social media exposure, here are some need-to-know tips on protecting your young ones as they surf online.

Establish Social Media Rules

Social media is here to stay, and kids want nothing more than to get in on the action. You can attempt to ban social media entirely, but kids will find a way to get on there!

The best thing you can do is establish some rules and boundaries. Your child doesn't know it yet, but social media can do a lot of harm. Not only does it make connecting with strangers easier, but it can ruin their self-esteem.

Open up that discussion as you navigate new rules. Set limits on how much they can use it, what they're allowed to do, and what platforms they can sign up for at their age. Be honest and ask to monitor their activity. It's better to be upfront than sneak around behind their back.

Discus What Information to Keep Private

A big problem with kids on the Internet is that they're eager to share private information. They don't know any better! An innocent browsing session can lead to your phone number or address going out into the world.

Once again, open conversations are best. Educate them about what's right and what's wrong.

Stick to Kid-Friendly Sites

Finally, limit activity to kid-friendly websites. Here's where parental controls come in handy! With a few clicks, you can restrict access to inappropriate sites.

Focus your child's attention on alternatives that are safer for young minds. For example, safe streaming sites for kids TV shows have all their favorite programs. Meanwhile, age-restricting gaming sites offer all the social interaction and fun they want!

The Internet is an enticing place for young kids. Be proactive and follow these tips to keep them safe from the jump.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about educational and entertaining apps for kids. You can find her thoughts at safe streaming app blog.

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