Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


What Should I Eat Before a Workout?

Before you hit up your smart home gym for an energizing workout, you need the right fuel to get you through your routine. The food you put into your body before exercising is crucial! A good meal can give you energy, help with muscle recovery, and provide all the nutrients you need to achieve your goals.

But what should you eat before a workout? Read on to find out!

Essential Macronutrients

When planning pre-workout meals, the key is to pay attention to the following macronutrients. They're all essential to your exercise routine. But how much you eat will depend on your goals.


Carbs fuel your muscles and provide some energy to keep going. Carbohydrates boost glycogen stores, which are your muscles' primary energy source.

The best time to eat carbs is two to three hours before your workout begins. You can eat whole-grain cereals, bread, pasta, and brown rice.


Of course, the amino acids in high-protein foods are the building blocks of muscle. Eating protein before exercising can deliver a much-needed energy boost to improve athletic performance. It also paves the way for a better anabolic response, enhanced recovery, and more strength.

Good meal options include lean chicken breast, eggs, almond butter, nutrition bars, and whey protein drinks.


Contrary to popular belief, fat isn't bad for you! Healthy fat is a fuel source for moderate or low-intensity workouts.

Good fats like avocado, almond butter, olive oil, or nuts are winners.

Timing Your Meals

So, when should you eat before starting a routine with your smart home gym? Ideally, it would help if you ate a complete meal with carbs, proteins, and fats two or three hours before exercising.

If you don't have that kind of time, you can eat up to an hour before. However, meals should be easy to digest and contain carbs and proteins.

Fueling Your Workout

Don't make the mistake of not eating before you exercise. Your body needs the fuel to help you reach your full potential during your workout efforts. The right meal can push your body further, maximizing the effects of your routine and helping you recover afterward.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown writes about online fitness training. She advises people on home gym, online workouts & exercise. You can find her thoughts at home gym systems blog.

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