Jeson Clarke

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


City Apartment Decorating Tips

It doesn't matter whether you live in New York City, Chicago, Miami, or any other dense city. The small space you call home deserves plenty of love and attention! City apartments are notoriously cramped, making your decorating endeavors more important than ever.

Check out our apartment decorating tips for creating a small slice of heaven in the big city.

Keep the Walls Light

When space is at a premium, city-dwellers have to create the illusion of light and air. The best way to do that is with light-colored walls. We're talking about white, beige, or even light gray.

Make no mistake: Having neutral walls doesn't mean your apartment has to look static and boring. You can spice things up with neon artwork or contrasting furniture. But the goal is to keep the cramped space as light and open-feeling as you can.

Use Window Treatments

Many apartments have high ceilings and tall windows to utilize. One great way to add some personality is through eye-catching window treatments. Install some blinds to control light or invest in beautiful curtains.

Curtains are perfect for adding color and texture. You can even create the illusion of bigger windows by installing those treatments as high up as you can. Whatever you do, take the opportunity to get creative and infuse some personality.

Consider Lighting

Lighting can do a lot to make or break your space. Provide several lighting solutions to create different moods.

For example, you can have sconces and accent lighting to make your apartment feel more intimate. Alternatively, you might want to install task lamps and overhead lighting for more practicality. Putting up some neon artwork is also an option to add more fun. Whatever the case may be, get creative, and don't be afraid to fill your apartment with light.

Making Your Apartment Feel Like Home

Those are just a few simple tricks to help you decorate your space. There's so much more you can do. Add plants, turn to the floors and ceilings for decor, and add as much organization as you can! The goal is to make the tight space work for you. Once you have some killer decor, you'll never want to leave.

Author Resource:-

Jeson Clarke writes about art, painting and culture. You can find his thoughts at photo to portrait blog.

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