Jeson Clarke

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


Tracking vs. Flick Shots and Why They are Both Important

When you start to train for first person shooters, you'll find many different techniques to try out. The most successful players use methods known as tracking and flicking. Get the best train for first person shooters games by visiting this website.

Keep reading to learn more about these techniques and why you should master both!

Tracking 101

Tracking is a form of aiming that involves keeping your crosshair on your target. The goal is to keep your aim steady as you move about the map. You make yourself harder to hit while getting tons of damage on your opponent by constantly moving.

Tracking is best when you're using automatic weapons with a DPS character. Once you master this technique, you can be a force in online matches!

All About Flick Shots

Flick shots are another technique you need to know. This one is about keeping your crosshairs in a relatively neutral position. But when you make a shot, you flick your crosshair onto the target and take them out.

As you can imagine, flicking involves considerable practice and muscle memory. However, it's a big power move once you get things right. Flicking is ideal when you play with single-shot weapons like sniper rifles.

Mastering Both Techniques

Some players like to stick with one play style or weapon. But if you want to boost your skills, it's best to learn both of these play styles when you train for first person shooters.

Tracking and flicking both require intense concentration and quick reflexes. They can also serve you well in different situations.

For example, tracking is perfect for taking down moving targets. Your opponents are trying to stay on the move just like you! But when you master the art of tracking, your crosshairs practically lock onto your targets as your aim becomes more accurate.

Meanwhile, flicking is about unpredictability. It keeps your opponent guessing your next move while giving you plenty of opportunities to take them down.

Taking Your Skills to the Next Level

Practice makes perfect with first-person games. Give these techniques a shot and experiment with different weapons. While you might have a preference, learning to master both will make you a formidable opponent.

Author Resource:-

Jeson Clarke writes about games, digital training and FPS aim training. You can find his thoughts at aim training blog.

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