Justin Taylor

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


The Beginners Guide to Starting a Podcast

Want to start a podcast? There's no better time than now. Projections show the global podcast market reaching more than $60 billion by the end of the decade!

Anyone can start a podcast, but it's more involved than most realize. To help you get started, here's our novice-friendly guide on creating a podcast.

The Planning Phase

There's plenty of work to do before you record a second of audio. Successful podcasts have tons of planning behind them. This format requires a strategy to have the most impact.

Find Your Niche

First, find your niche. Figure out what you want to say and what your voice is. Try to fill a hole in the market that no other podcaster does. Unique concepts, different perspectives, and most of all stand out.

Don't be afraid to look at trends to get inspiration, but always look for that unique angle to stand out.

Figure Out the Logistics

Next, you'll need to iron out the details. That includes figuring out the format, deciding how long you want your episodes to be, and more.

There's also the podcast's name and branding. Once again, something that stands out is always best!

Gather Your podcast tools You don't need much to start a podcast. However, it's always good to invest in good equipment. Buy a solid microphone, good recording software, and all the tools you need to create a high-quality show worthy of publishing.

The Production Phase

Finally, you get to the production part! Here's where you create your shows and have fun.

Writing Scripts

Many podcasts sound off-the-cuff. But you'd be surprised to know that many follow a script! They don't necessarily have every word laid out, but most podcasters have bullet points to guide the show.

Without a script, your podcast can sound scattered and disorganized. Plan what every episode is about to stay on track.

Getting Guests

If you plan on having guests, you'll need to find suitable people. Anyone of interest will do. However, many podcasters turn to their peers!

Invite other podcasters over for cross-promotion. Choose guests who have something unique to offer on the show's topic.

Editing Your Shows

Every podcast needs editing. There is no shortage of editing podcast tools available. Pick one to polish your content.

Level out the audio levels, remove dead space, and make every second count!

The Publishing Phase

After all the previous work, you're ready to publish your first show!

To do that, you'll need to choose a hosting platform. Your host will store the podcast files and generate an RSS feed to make it available on all the popular directories. Upload your finished show, and your podcast is ready for the masses!

Of course, your work isn't over just yet. Reaching the publishing phase makes you a true podcaster. But if you want to grow and expand your audience, you'll need to leverage data, work on marketing, and find monetization opportunities.

Starting a podcast is a lot of work. But if you keep at it, podcasting can be a fantastic hobby with plenty of room to grow.

Author Resource:-

I'm Justin Taylor, podcast marketing consultant, providing info about monetizing a podcast, analytics, promotion ideas and advertising for SME's. You can find my thoughts at podcasting blog.

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