Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


How To Sign An Electronic Document

Signing documents is a way of providing acknowledgment and consent, and documents are used in all kinds of transactions to officiate agreements. In business, signing documents and retaining copies of signed documents are often legal matters, and a person's signature serves as their promise to agree to the terms laid out in a document.

In the past, documents were physical in nature and typically required a signatory to be present when the document was signed. These days, a great number of documents are sent and archived electronically, leading to the need for electronic signing methods.

If you're wondering how to sign an electronic document, below are some considerations:

Use Specialized Software

The easiest way to sign a document electronically is to use electronic signature software, such as Foxit. This software is specially designed to allow documents to receive a coded mark that serves as a physical signature.

Electronic signature software may also give you the ability to use your computer's mouse or even your finger on a touchpad to "write" your signature out on-screen. This not only allows you to physically write out your signature, but it also serves as a customized marking to identify that you are the signatory.

Speech-to-Text Software

Some speech-to-text software can also serve as a way to sign a document electronically. This method is useful for individuals who have a hard time accessing a computer or who have vision problems.

Using this software, you can be presented with a read-out of the document over the phone and can provide consent by stating your name. The software records your spoken consent and affixes a digital signature to the document electronically.

Know the Law

If you plan to sign a document electronically, it's important to know and understand the laws in your area that govern this type of activity. Although electronic signatures have become commonplace across the country and are generally accepted as a legal substitute for a physical signature, some documents may still require you to be physically present during the signing. For more information, you're encouraged to contact your attorney.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke is providing info about PDF editors, PDF creators, eSign software and much more. You can find her thoughts at convert PDF online blog.

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