Jeson Clarke

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


How Many Times Do I Have to Shoot an Opponent to Break Their Shield in Halo Infinite?

Some of the most common questions from newer or inexperienced Halo Infinite players revolve around shields. Shield-breaking in Halo Infinite is a must to take out the competition. But here's the thing: Weapons do varying degrees of damage.

That means the number of hits a shield can take depends entirely on your weapon. To make things easier, here are a few common weapons and the number of shots you'll need to take to break through that protective shield.

Pulse Carbine

This plasma weapon is ideal for close and medium-range combat. It shoots five energy bullets, doing significant damage on contact. In total, it takes six shots to break through shields. However, you also get the bonus of a guaranteed critical hit after the break!

MA40 Assault Rifle

Here's a weapon many players love to use. It has a fast fire rate and relatively low recoil, making it perfect for improving accuracy. It's not nearly as powerful as the Pulse Carbine. As a result, you'll have to take 12 shots to break through a shield. After that, it's another five shots to the body to take your enemy down.

Shock Rifle

The Shock Rifle is a powerful semi-automatic weapon. It's perfect for shield-breaking in Halo Infinite, thanks to its efficiency in long-range combat. To break through armor, it only takes two shots!

MK50 Sidekick

Suitable for close and medium-range combat, the MK50 is a surprisingly effective weapon. It has low recoil and does a decent amount of damage. It's semi-automatic and takes six shots to break through a shield.

Plasma Pistol

The Plasma Pistol is one of the cooler-looking semi-automatic weapons. However, it does pretty low body damage. You need to charge it up and lock it onto the target to get the most out of this weapon. It requires seven charged-up shots to break armor. Then, you'll need to make another ten to take out your enemy.


This handheld weapon is unique. It shoots electric energy that continues to deal damage over time if it sticks to the enemy. You'll have to make six shots to break through a shield, but the electrical energy will do the rest.

Author Resource:-

Jeson Clarke writes about games, digital training and FPS aim training. You can find his thoughts at aim training blog.

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