Jeson Clarke

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


What Material is Safest to Use When Building a Playground?

When it comes to playgrounds, the fun factor is important, but safety is perhaps the most important consideration. Because playgrounds are typically where children are running, jumping, and sliding, all kinds of accidents can happen. However, injuries can be prevented by using safe materials in the design and construction of playground equipment and flooring spaces.

If you're planning a playground or your manage one and would like to make it safer, below are some things to think about:

Use Rubber Products

Rubber is a great material for playgrounds because it is firm enough to stand up to wear and tear, but it is soft enough to absorb impacts without easily causing injuries. If solid rubber isn't an option for your playground equipment, consider rubber-coating instead.

Many people also use poured-in-place rubber as a flooring material in playground designs. This option alleviates the potential for serious injuries as well as bumps and bruises that can come from falling on hard playground surfaces.

Try Sand

Sand is another option to use when you're looking for flooring materials for your playground. Sand is soft and can shift to accommodate rough play. Just be mindful that sand tends to get in cracks and crevices, and it needs to be smoothed and replaced often.

Consider Engineered Wood Fiber

Engineered wood fiber is another option that many playgrounds use as a flooring material since it can provide a semi-soft surface and absorbs water. Engineered wood fiber is made of wood, but it is available in chips and chunks that can fill in flooring spaces. The fibers are knit tightly to create wood pieces that don't splinter easily. Engineered wood fiber also provides plenty of giving when exposed to pressure from excited children at play.

Contact a Delivery Company

If you're looking for more ideas or you're having a hard time finding the right materials for your playground design, consider contacting companies that specialize in delivery for parks and rec equipment. A company that offers delivery for parks and rec equipment will likely be able to provide you with recommendations. Also, they may be able to serve as a supplier and delivery source for your project.

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Jeson Clarke is providing info about single platform for your hotshot, scheduled, daily route, and freight deliveries. You can find his thoughts at last mile freight solutions blog.

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