Justin Taylor

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


Is Antivirus Software Really That Important?

Antivirus software is intended to protect operating systems from malicious code that can cause a lot of damage to computer systems. Computer viruses have been around since the dawn of networking, and these days, thousands are floating around on the web.

With all of these threats potentially lurking about, you might think that antivirus software is the best way to go about getting protection - but is it really? Is antivirus software really necessary at all?

How Do You Use Your Hardware?

In theory, antivirus software is very important if you use the web, but in practice, it's not for everyone. If you simply surf the Internet and visit mainstream, reputable websites, your potential for contracting a serious computer virus is fairly small. Likewise, if you use email responsibly, meaning you only open emails from known senders, your risk is once again small.

If you regularly download files on the web and open every email in your inbox and spam folder while also visiting unsecured websites, antivirus software becomes a more important thing to have. On the other hand, if you've been using the web for some years now, and you know when something looks suspicious enough to avoid it, you can probably get by without antivirus software.

What Do the Experts Say?

Experts like the professionals who appear at events like the 2022 Houston Cyber Security Summit seem to be split on the matter. Some information security professionals believe that antivirus software is vital for all devices that access the Internet.

Others believe that antivirus software is only beneficial for risky users, and in some cases, antivirus software does more harm than good. You can attend the 2022 Houston Cyber Security Summit on December 8th in Houston if you would like to learn more about Internet security from professionals who work in the cyber security field.

Note: The above is not intended to replace information security or legal advice. Your usage of antivirus and other information security software should be discussed with a relevant professional before you make any changes to your current computer security setup.

Author Resource:-

Justin Taylor is providing info about virtual events, webinars and b2b event marketing platforms. You can find his thoughts at event marketing blog.

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