Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


Is It Safe to Take OTC Allergy Medications Every Day?

Allergies can come along with several frustrating symptoms, including a runny nose, itchy eyes, and a sore throat. For many people, treating allergies requires medications, and thankfully, many allergy medications are available over the counter (OTC). Purchasing OTC allergy medications doesn't require a prescription, and for most people, these medications can relieve symptoms for a full day with just one dose.

How Often Should You Take OTC Allergy Medications?

OTC allergy medications usually provide directions on the packaging label, but you need to talk with your doctor before taking any type of medication, OTC or not. Because everyone is different, a personalized allergy treatment plan from your doctor is going to be a safer route to take than simply relying on an OTC medication's label. Find the best personalized allergy treatment by visiting this website.

Your Health is Specific to You

While the directions provided by an OTC medication manufacturer may cover the needs of most people, you may have specific health conditions that can change the safe dosage recommendation. Taking an OTC allergy medication every day might be fine for most, but only your doctor can evaluate your condition and provide you with a personalized allergy treatment plan.

Taking medications without talking with your doctor first may result in adverse effects. Additionally, taking a medication that has been deemed safe for daily use can result in adverse effects if you abruptly stop taking the medication. Once again, to be as safe as possible, you will want to speak with your doctor before beginning any new medication regimen.

Other Allergy Treatment Options

You may also consider other methods for treating allergies that do not involve medication. Some people experience relief from allergy symptoms by using air purification machines in their homes and offices. Others may need to investigate whether hidden mold exists in areas like crawlspaces or attics. You may also find relief from allergy symptoms by switching to hypoallergenic fabrics for things like bedding and other textiles.

Disclaimer: The above is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult with your physician regarding any medications you take.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown is a certified immunotherapist. She advises people on personalized home allergy and skin treatment at home. You can find her thoughts at allergy treatments blog.

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