Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


Tips to Get More People to Download Your App

So you've created an app, you think it's wonderful, and it's now available for download on the Apple App Store, Google Play, and other app stores - now what? The fact is that developing an app and getting it on all major app stores is only the first part of becoming successful. The biggest hurdle you're going to face is getting people to download your app.

If you've found that your app downloads aren't where you'd like them to be, below are two tips to help you gain more traction among customers, prospects, and leads across the web:

Optimize Your App Store Entries

You've probably heard about search engine optimization (SEO) before, but have you heard of app store optimization or mobile ASO? Optimizing the online experience for search engines and app customers alike is important, and introducing mobile ASO techniques can make a difference in how many people find and download your product.

Many of the same principles found in SEO apply to app store optimization. Having backlinks across the web on authoritative sites leading back to your app store pages can help. Likewise, having a high number of positive user reviews can help an app store determine visibility on featured pages, potentially leading to more downloads. You might consider working with an app store optimization expert to learn how to approach the process for your specific app.

Use Social Media

If your business has any social media channels, use these to the fullest to get the word out. Create meaningful content around the development and release of your app. Let your friends and followers know that the app is available for download. Let people know how to download the app, how to use it, and where to turn for help if needed.

You can also consider offering discount codes on social media that provide an incentive to try your app. These exclusive codes not only provide a reason to download your app, but they may also increase your social media marketing efforts by attracting new friends and followers.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about customer messaging and engagement solutions including SMS services and mobile notifications tools. You can find her thoughts at mobile notification solution blog.

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