Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


Three Benefits of Signing My Restaurant Up with DashPass

DoorDash offers a quick and easy delivery service, allowing restaurants like yours to expand business and tap into an ever-growing market. The standard DoorDash service is straightforward. After a customer places an order, DoorDash takes the appropriate fees and commission, and you pocket the rest for an easy sale.

But what about DashPass?

DashPass is a subscription service that customers can use to get free deliveries and discount service fees for a low monthly fee. The benefits are obvious for diners, but what do you get from the arrangement as a DoorDash merchant? Here are a few advantages that could make signing your restaurant up with DashPass a worthy endeavor.

Straightforward Commissions

With standard orders, commissions and service fees can be confusing. What DoorDash takes from each sale varies based on the type of merchant plan you have. That's great for flexibility and pricing, but it can make the individual cost of every order more challenging to figure out.

With DashPass, things are much more straightforward. There's a 28 percent commission on all deliveries made through DashPass. It's that simple. But here's where DoorDash maintains flexibility: You only pay 28 percent for orders placed by customers using DashPass. Your restaurant can still accept and prepare orders for diners not using the service, and the commission structure remains the same.

More Exposure

The biggest perk of using DashPass and a DoorDash merchant is exposure. This subscription service is a game-changer for frequent diners. It adds tons of convenience and provides cost savings.

After signing up, most users are more inclined to order from restaurants that accept DashPass. Signing your restaurant up for this optional service can expose you to an exclusive club of high-value customers.


If you're not sure if DashPass is suitable for your restaurant, don't fret. DoorDash makes this service optional, and you have the choice to sign up and cancel at any time. You're not locked into a strict agreement.

DoorDash even gives you a two-week trial. See if it's right for you before signing up. If things change, you can always cancel and return to standard orders only.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about business softwares and SaaS solutions. You can find her thoughts at virtual kitchen blog.

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