Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


Guide to Healthily Getting in Shape

Getting fit takes hard work and commitment, but when you stick to it, the results are worth it. Not only will you look and feel better, but you also have the opportunity to potentially improve existing medical conditions. You should always talk to your doctor before beginning or changing a fitness regimen, but there are plenty of easy ways to healthily get in shape.

Be Careful With the Internet

The Internet can be an invaluable resource for fitness videos and even streaming fitness lessons. As convenient as the web can be to find information on getting in shape, just be careful not to fall for fitness myths. Some common fitness myths include "no pain, no gain" and "all fat is bad for you".

Instead of blindly trusting what you see on the Internet, compare your sources against trusted medical advice from your doctor. You can also work with a nutritionist and a certified personal trainer to get the inside scoop on what's true and what's a myth.

Balance Diet and Exercise

Some people are under the impression that diet alone or exercise alone can achieve healthy results when trying to get fit. The reality is that you need a balance between the two to see your efforts pay off.

While it is possible to burn off excess calories that you take in, if you're eating nothing but junk food all day, no amount of exercise is going to undo the damage you're causing to your body. Likewise, you can eat healthy food all day long, but if you aren't including movement in your daily routine, you're not likely to lose weight or gain muscle.

Start Slow

Whether you're just beginning a fitness journey or you're changing up your existing routine, make changes slowly. It can be tempting to jump right into a new routine with both feet, but this can lead to burn-out rather quickly. Instead, take your time and make gradual changes as your body acclimates to the next level. Doing too much at once can also lead to injury, and this may end up sidelining you from exercising at all.

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Alester Brown writes about online fitness training. She advises people on home gym, online workouts & exercise. You can find her thoughts at fitness equipments blog.

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