Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


What is Sales Gamification?

Staying on top of productivity is vital for business success across all industries, but ensuring that your sales team is productive can have perhaps the biggest impact of all on your company's future. You count on your sales team to bring in business and revenue, so if your sales professionals aren't engaged and productive, your bottom line is more likely to suffer.

Playing at Work

Although there are plenty of schools of thought out there regarding productivity improvement techniques, gamification for sales professionals has proven to be one of the more effective avenues to pursue. Simply put, gamification for sales teams is the process of turning everyday tasks into games or friendly competitions. Get the best gamification for sales by visiting this website.

Gamification can be accomplished in several ways, and which methods work best for your team will depend on your industry, the personalities that make up your sales department, and your company's goals. No matter how you look at gamification, however, you should approach the process with the intention of driving productivity.

Examples of Sales Gamification

One example of turning sales into a game would be creating a daily or weekly prize for accomplishing certain tasks. You could offer an extra 15 minutes at lunch to the first sales team member who completes a certain amount of cold calls within a given period.

Another example may be where you break your sales department into smaller teams. These teams then compete against one another to finish certain tasks within a day or week to earn a spot on a ranking board. The team that finishes first on the ranking board at the end of a week or month earns a prize.

Think About Fairness

When gamifying anything at work, consider the strengths of each team member. You never want to set your sales professionals up to fail, so try to balance any gamification efforts to allow everyone a chance to compete fairly. If you create games where only the most experienced team members have a chance to win, you may experience lower productivity from less experienced team members, as they may become demoralized.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about sales management, engagement and team motivation service. You can find her thoughts at sales tips blog.

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