Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


3 Benefits of Offering Dark Mode on Your App

While app design is often subjective, dark mode has proven to be a favorite among both desktop and mobile web users. Dark mode is among the top 2022 UX trends, and it looks as if dark mode will continue to be trendy in 2023. For more information about 2022 UX trends, visit the website.

Dark mode is a setting that is available in many operating systems that utilize dark colors to reduce bright lights on LED displays. It automatically converts whites into blacks or grays to reduce brightness without any changes needed by the user.

Aside from the aesthetic appeal, there are several benefits to offering dark mode as an app developer, including:

1. Dark Mode Saves Battery

Part of the reason dark mode has been among the top 2022 UX trends is that it saves users battery life. Since displays don't need to emit brilliant whites when using dark mode themes, less power is required. This is good for battery life as well as energy bills since smartphones don't need to be charged as often.

2. Less Eye Strain

Dark mode can also reduce eye strain for people who use LED displays for long periods. It also improves contrast, allowing people with vision trouble to have an easier time reading.

Dark mode includes less visible white space, and instead, backgrounds are darkened while the text is lighter. There can be varying degrees of contrast in some operating systems, but by including a dark mode option in your design, you give users the power to take control over the health of their vision.

3. Better Sleep

In keeping with the above, dark mode may even improve sleep for people who use displays late at night. Many people browse the web or use apps on their phones before sleep, but the light these devices put out can interrupt sleep long after the user has drifted off. By offering dark mode as an option in your app, your users can browse their devices for longer periods without worrying about missing out on quality sleep.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about customer messaging and engagement solutions including SMS services and mobile notifications tools. You can find her thoughts at customer engagement blog.

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