Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


Tips to Improve Your Customer's Payment Journey

Modern customers expect a friction-free shopping experience from start to end. While you might go to great lengths to ensure that your products are well-represented and easy to find, have you thought about the payment journey? An overly complex payment process can create unnecessary hurdles, causing many potential buyers to abandon their carts for more streamlined pastures.

Here are some tips to streamline your payments and provide an impressive buyer experience.

Avoid Over-the-Phone Payments

Over-the-phone payments used to be the norm. Shoppers could call a toll-free number, place their order, and provide payment details in one conversation. There's nothing wrong with having available phone lines for accepting and adjusting orders, but requiring customers to provide credit card numbers out loud? That's not ideal.

Shoppers are warier of security risks and are naturally hesitant to provide personal information to strangers. Instead of requesting that data verbally, consider directing them to a digital platform. Using an API for Whatsapp, you can send custom links to process payments. It's private, easy to do, and offers peace of mind. If you are looking for an API for WhatsApp, visit this website.

Accept Payments Over Chat

Today's shoppers want options! That doesn't just apply to products or services. They want the ability to pay how they want. Instead of having a one-point payment terminal, branch out and facilitate payments over web chat. You can provide a sales pitch and process payments in one chat session.

The same concept applies to taking payments over web chat. An API for Whatsapp lets you send secure links directly through the chat interface to make payments. Your customers can stay in contact with your sales agent or customer service rep the entire time, making the process straightforward and seamless.

Save Payment Information

Every business wants to turn one-off customers into repeat buyers. One way to improve the experience after the initial purpose is to save payment information. Provide that option to customers during their first transaction, and future visits can be even quicker.

It saves your shoppers the hassle of filling out more forms, allowing them to buy items faster than ever.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about WhatsApp Business Platform, WhatsApp bulk messaging, shared inbox and more. You can find her thoughts at Whatsapp API solution blog.

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