Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


Is it Safe to Work Out While Pregnant?

During pregnancy, several things change in a woman's body, including hormonal changes and physical changes. All of these changes have the potential to affect a woman's ability to safely exercise. What used to be easy may now be difficult, and what used to be safe may now be dangerous. Of course, maintaining your health during pregnancy is important, and exercise plays a big role in living well. All of this leads many pregnant women to wonder if it's safe to work out while pregnant.

It Depends on Your Health

For the most part, normal exercise while pregnant is considered safe as long as you are already in good health. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states on its website that physical activity does not inherently raise the risk of health concerns in pregnant women. The College does, however, go on to state that pregnant women should talk with their doctors about their workout plans before engaging in strenuous physical activity.

Which Trimester?

Which trimester you are in can also affect your ability to safely work out during pregnancy. During your first trimester, you're likely going to be able to be a lot more active compared to your third trimester. This can come down to your comfort level as well, but once again, you are strongly encouraged to talk with your doctor regarding any type of workout choices during any stage of pregnancy or suspected pregnancy. Stay active and healthy throughout your pregnancy with such expert-led prenatal workouts.

How Your Pregnancy Progresses

It's also important to note that certain health conditions are specific to pregnancy that can adversely affect your ability to engage in prenatal workouts. Conditions like preeclampsia or placenta previa may not be issues when you first become pregnant, but they can develop over time and cause you to need to adjust your prenatal workouts later on in your pregnancy.

Disclaimer: The above should not be construed as medical advice. If you are pregnant or suspect that you are pregnant, consult with your doctor to determine what level of exercise is safe for you and your baby.

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Alester Brown writes about online fitness training. She advises people on home gym, online workouts & exercise. You can find her thoughts at online workouts blog.

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