Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


3 Exercised You Can Do At Your Desk

Finding the time to fit in some exercise can be challenging when you work a busy office job and sit at a desk all day. But contrary to popular belief, you don't need to hit the gym or have dumbbells by your side to stay healthy. There are plenty of simple exercises you can do during your nine-to-five. Here's how to be active when working a desk job.

Standing Desk Push-ups

You don't need tons of floor space to do this workout. All you need is your desk! Push-ups work your triceps and chest; the exercise only takes a few minutes. Do several reps throughout the day, and keep those muscles nice and toned.

To perform desk push-ups, move your chair to the side and place your hands on your desk slightly wider than your shoulders. Keep your arms straight and stand a few feet back.

Now, lower your body until your chest almost hits your desk. The motion should be similar to a standard floor push-up. Repeat this exercise for at least ten reps to feel the burn.


Squats are a great way to tone your core, glutes, hamstrings and quads. The best part? You can do this exercise anywhere.

Stand up, tuck your chair into your desk and position yourself behind it, facing away from your workstation. Place your feet about shoulder-width apart and extend your arms in front of you.

To do a squat, lower your body down until your rear nearly touches your desk chair. Be mindful of the knees. They should align with your toes. Go back to the standing position and repeat ten times.

Chair Twists

Want to know how to be active when working a desk job? Here's an easy exercise you can do while you work. It takes advantage of your office chair!

Sit in your chair and push it back to allow yourself to swivel without hitting your desk. Put your arms on the edge of your desk and use your core to spin yourself as far as you can go in one direction. Return to the original position and do the same on the other side!

This exercise can work your obliques, and you can perform it a few times throughout the day, even as you type away.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown is a certified physician. She advises people on an online weight loss program for men at home. You can find her thoughts at weight loss program blog.

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