Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


4 Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance produced by your liver. Contrary to popular belief, some cholesterol is necessary for building cells, producing hormones and making vitamins. But too much cholesterol can negatively impact heart health and put you at a higher risk of heart disease.

Fortunately, there are many ways to lower your cholesterol to safer levels.

Slim Down and Get Lean

Losing weight is one of the best ways to take control of your cholesterol levels. Being even moderately overweight can cause your cholesterol to skyrocket. Slimming down can help you make dramatic improvements all around.

Small changes can make a big difference. Consider swapping fatty and sugar-filled foods for healthier alternatives. You can also get assistance on your road to better health with a virtual weight loss clinic. Make the necessary lifestyle changes to lower your cholesterol while improving your overall health.

Improve Your Diet

Whether you're carrying a few extra pounds or already relatively slim, it doesn't matter. Eating a bad diet can increase your cholesterol. Diets that are high in trans and saturated fats can cause many problems. Consider decreasing trans fats by cutting back on red meats and whole dairy products.

Other ways to lower your cholesterol include:

  • Eating more Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Boosting your fiber intake
  • Getting more whey protein into your diet

Become More Active

It's not enough to transform your diet. In addition to getting expert guidance from a virtual weight loss clinic, adopt an exercise routine that works for your lifestyle.

Physical activity boosts good cholesterol and can significantly improve heart health. Aim for about 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week to see improvements.

Ditch Unhealthy Habits

Many lifestyle choices affect your cholesterol. Two of the biggest are smoking and drinking.

It can be challenging to quit smoking, but your cholesterol can improve once you overcome the addiction. A year after cessation, former smokers cut their risk of heart disease by half compared to smokers.

Drinking can also cause cholesterol issues. Alcohol in moderation is okay, but limiting yourself to one drink a day is the best choice.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown is a certified physician. She advises people on an online weight loss program for men at home. You can find her thoughts at weight loss plans blog.

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