Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


What is Online Schema Therapy?

Individuals seeking treatment for personality disorders, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues have many options. Typically, the go-to is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). However, Schema therapy is an alternative that can benefit people who don't see results from traditional treatments.

Schema therapy works to challenge and change negative thought patterns. Negative thoughts and beliefs, also known as schemas, often develop early. Life experiences, behaviours and unhealthy thought patterns can reinforce those schemas, turning into mental health challenges as the mind copes with difficult situations. Schema therapy is about breaking free of those long-held schemas and replacing them with healthier alternatives.

Virtual Schema therapy offers a more convenient way to get treatment. Instead of visiting therapists in an office, you can connect with qualified professionals from anywhere. At its core, Schema therapy is a form of talk therapy. Connecting to therapists remotely provides the same benefits as in-person sessions but with more convenience.

How Virtual Schema Therapy Works

After connecting to a professional through an online therapy portal, individuals can begin treatment. Schema therapy is not a one-and-done affair. Like CBT, it takes time.

The exact length of treatment varies, but many individuals spend between six months to two years in therapy. Realistically, it lasts as long as you need it.

That said, therapists typically work in stages.

At the beginning of your treatment, your online therapist will get to know who you are. The initial stages are about understanding your schemas and how they affect your life. You may also fill out questionnaires to provide more information that therapists can use to mould their treatment to your needs.

Using imagery and role-playing strategies, you and your therapist will gain a shared understanding of the challenges you face. From there, you'll move toward breaking unhealthy thought patterns and behaviours. You'll learn new coping mechanisms and find unique ways to overcome your challenges in a much healthier way.

Like any form of therapy, it takes time and work to see results. But Schema therapy can be life-changing, and seeing an online therapist is one of the best ways to get help.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown writes about mental and physical health. She advises people on Paediatrician & online Psychiatrist consultation. You can find her thoughts at therapist for stress blog.

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